Facebook Timeline Appearance Part 2: Creating custom tab images

Picture this.  You are walking down a city street with 100’s of pedestrians that pass you by, most of which you do not give a second glance.  Then that one diamond in the rough catches your eye.  You do a double take and almost run into a street light post.  You want to know more about them.  What do they have to offer?  Are they single?  Do they have the same interests?

The rules of attraction are universal and can be applied to most anything, including your Facebook timeline.  What you say?  Yes it’s true.  You can turn your page into the one diamond in the rough that users can’t ignore.  The one that draws them in and makes them want to know more about you, your products, and your services.

At the end of Part 1, I promised that I would provide guidelines on creating custom tab images.  I realize that many of you may think this is not that important, and you have a valid argument.  But with the horrible, sudden end that Facebook dealt to default landing pages, the appearance of your timeline is crucial to getting the attention of fans.  No longer can you force likes, or guide users where you want (I miss those days too). Therefore, it is up to you, or whomever you hire to make sure your timeline evokes some sort of emotion in users and potential fans.

In part 1, we already reviewed how to optimize your profile and cover photos.  The last piece of the puzzle is your custom tab images, and how to integrate them into your timeline delivering a complete package.

Content driven tabs

Facebook allows up to 12 tabs.  This includes the first tab that will always be your photos and cannot be changed.  The remaining 11 allow for customization, and can be utilized to structure your page.  This feature should be taken advantage of, as it affords many opportunities to make navigation more user-friendly.  Below are some examples on how to effectively take advantage of your custom tabs:

1.  Link to your blog or website. 

Make it easy for your users to access other areas of your business.  The timeline should be a one stop shop, and a launching point to allow users to explore deeper into your product and services.

2. Link to other social media outlets.

Include links to Twitter or Instagram, for example.

3. Create a call to action.

Include an email sign up, feedback, or inquiry form.

As we see on Walmart’s page above, they have utilized their tabs brilliantly utilizing content related tabs including a store locater, and allowing for feedback.

Integrating your custom tab images into your overall timeline theme.

Now if you want to up your Facebook appearance game to the next level, integrating your tab design into your cover and profile photos is a sure way to attract a user.  Take a look at Evian’s page below.  Not only do they use great content ideas in their tabs, they have also matched them to the overall theme of pink.  This is the finishing touch that creates the whole package.  It’s kind of like adding the tire wet after giving your car a thorough washing.  It completes the package and makes you go aaaaahhhhhhhh!

That’s an attractive page and it is incredibly easy for you to accomplish a similar page at no cost.  Now take your knowledge, apply it and turn your page into a diamond in the rough.

You will need some step by step directions on how to creat the tabs.  No problem.  Check out this article which gives easy instructions on creating your exciting, new custom tab app.  Also, here are some more ideas to think about when creating your new timeline.

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